by dblanken | Jul 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
The Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory is proud to announce the release of Transforming Architecture: A Festchrift in Honor of Professor G.Z. “Charlie” Brown. The German term Festschrift translates as “festival of writing” and celebrates Charlie’s...
by | Jun 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
A new comprehensive collection of greenhouse gas measurements was released recently. Read an article on the dataset in The Conversation. The article includes this video of changing carbon dioxide concentrations. .
by dblanken | Jun 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Judith Sheine, University of Oregon Professor and Head of the Department of Architecture, and Iain Macdonald, Associate Director of the TallWood Design Institute, introduced their approach to healthy and efficient mass timber buildings: the TallWood Design...