Jeff Kline
Senior Research Associate
M. Arch. University of Oregon, 1990
B.A. University of Washington, major Architecture, 1984, major Physics 1980-1982
Whitworth College, major Physics, 1979-1980
University of Colorado, Boulder, major Physics, 1978-1979
Educated and trained as an architect, I have been conducting research, consulting with design professionals and owners, innovating new building systems, and educating at ESBL for 24 years. I am passionate about finding ways to reduce human impacts on the planet’s systems that sustain life. The lab’s interdisciplinary collaborations are especially stimulating and intellectually challenging in this regard. In recent years we have been working with microbiologists, ecologists, and behavioral scientists to link energy efficiency strategies to health. I have provided energy design assistance on more than 100 buildings and worked with institutional owners with combined portfolios of over 1500 buildings. While at ESBL I have published design tools in both software and paper formats, co-authored a book and many peer-reviewed architectural and scientific papers, taught studio, seminars, and workshops, and co-invented a heat exchanger and a weather-responsive shade control system, both patented. Prior to joining the lab, I worked in architectural firms on a broad range of building types and sizes, including new construction, remodeling, and forensic investigations of building failures.