
The “reguflector” concept uses photocontrolled louvers within a skylight to maintain light levels within desired limits (the name “reguflector” is an amalgam of light “regulation” and light “reflector”; the concept was developed as part of our High Performance Classroom project). This controls heat gain while allowing a skylight large enough to completely daylight (4% daylight factor) a space during daylight hours – electric lights are needed only at night.

Our initial product development has been in cooperation with CPI Daylighting, who provides engineering and manufacturing support. Since our collaboration began CPI has changed their designs to improve daylight control, reduce noise, improve the user interface of their controls and integrate electric lighting control into their system. “We were inspired by the Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory to include new and improved daylighting systems in our product range.” – Moshe Konstantin, President, CPI Daylighting Inc.