Mass Timber
Acoustic Performance
Project Type: Mass Timber, Acoustics
Project Lead: Mark Fretz
Project Information
The use of mass timber panels is becoming a popular choice for construction due to concerns about climate change, resource sustainability, the need for construction efficiencies and the human biophilic affinity for wood. Using industry standards as a starting point for designing a series of floor and wall assemblies, we hope to find high performing cost-effective acoustic solutions for mass timber assemblies that can be readily adopted by design teams and jurisdictional authorities.
Consumers and building occupants value spaces with higher acoustic quality and appreciate relief from unwanted noise. Research has shown that unwanted noise in places where people live can disrupt sleep, cognitive function, and provoke heart conditions.
Currently we are testing layering of CLT and MPP timber panel types and wall assembly patterns to find the materials that will create the best noise barriers and are both cost effective and sustainable.
To learn more, check out our report on the project here.